Fallout shelter game show gauntlet question bank
Fallout shelter game show gauntlet question bank

fallout shelter game show gauntlet question bank

You can train your dweller through wasteland exploration however the dweller must be on quest or vault mode when you level up the dweller to the specified achievement. It cannot be done with a rare and legendary dweller. When & Where : As soon you click on the dweller's level up at 10, 25 and 50 respectively & in Vault Mode or Quest Mode but never during Wasteland Exploration.Įxtra Detail : This must be done from a level 1 character. When & Where : After you built 25th and 50th room respectively & in Vault Mode.Įxtra Detail : A merge room is consider a 2 or 3 room, some room takes 2 or 3 space but it worth 1 room (Example : Overseer offfice, Weapon Workshop, etc.). When & Where : As soon you built 3 water treatment in a row & in Vault Mode.Įxtra Detail : It will cost you 375 caps to built 3 water treatment in a row. When & Where : As soon you built 3 dining room in a row & in Vault Mode.Įxtra Detail : It will cost you 375 caps to built 3 dining room in a row. When & Where : As soon you built 3 power station in a row & in Vault Mode.Įxtra Detail : It will cost you 375 caps to built 3 power station in a row. When & Where : As soon you get 1000 and 10,000 caps repectively & in Vault Mode.Įxtra Detail : There are many ways of getting caps (lunchbox, succesfully rushing a room, finding and clicking the mysterious stranger, sending your dwellers for wasteland exploration, quest but seriously by now you know the basic of the game). Your most likely don't even need to read this section as these achievement come naturally easy. Relevant link to the creation of this guide

fallout shelter game show gauntlet question bank

They all deserve credits and recognition including Bethesda Game Studios for the making of the achievements and achievements pictures. I did not found all the intellectual properties to achieve the achievements, neither am I denying credits to the writers of Fallout Shelter Wiki, the players from the Steam discussion, the players from the mobile and pc platform. This guide was created to know how the achievements are triggered, when/where it happens, and for those who need a second opinion with more detail. Most of the information are taken from Fallout Shelter Wiki, forum, discussion, and from my gaming experience of Fallout Shelter.

Fallout shelter game show gauntlet question bank